Perek Shira for children

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King David and the Frog

King David was so happy when he finished composing the Book of Psalms. He asked Hashem, “Is there any creature that praises You more than I do?” Suddenly came a frog...

Heaven’s Song

Every creation has its own special song that it sings to Hashem – The Garden of Eden sings its song, and even the Gehinnom has its own song of praise...

The Desert’s Song

Every creation has its own special song that it sings to Hashem – The sands of the desert sing their song, and even the fields have their own song of praise...

The Water’s Song

When you hear the roaring of the waves or the bubbling of the brook in the forest, it’s really the waters singing their own special song of praise to Hashem...

The Song of the Trees

Creation never stops singing to Hashem, all day long and all night long, as we see this week with the songs of the tree-fruits, the grains, and the grasses...

The Song of the Birds

Creation never stops singing to Hashem, all day long and all night long. The chirping and singing of all the different bird species are none other than praise of Hashem...